Monday, September 8, 2008

Puppy Issues

Its Monday again. The weekend is over for another 5 days. :(

The kids had a great time at JR's wedding. I got things done around the house and actually got to lay in the pool for a bit to relax (though not as long as I would've liked)

The next thing on my list of things to do is try to finish house training our pup. She is driving me bonkers!! I let her out at 6am today and she went, so I let her back in and got in the shower. What did I come out to? Poop in front of my TV!!! I swiftly swatted her butt and put her in the crate. After I was done with my makeup I let her out again but this time I just left the back door open and since she has a bone outside she was happy to stay out. I took the kids to school and closed the door but rather than crate her for 10 minutes I let her just roam and what did I come home to? PEE ON MY FLOOR, she got her nose rubbed in it, swatted her butt and put back in her crate where she will remain until I go home for lunch!!!

I'm not sure what to do at this point. She always goes when I take her out but having to poop twice in 20 minutes is NOT COOL!!



Just a girl and her thoughts said...

aren't puppies fun? I've learned (from experience) that you can't leave a puppy alone EVER. If you aren't going to be in eye view, crate her. Seriously. She'll learn to love the crate and it'll make it easier on her. And you. we stillnever leave our puppies alone for any amount of time because they will get into things, or drink all of Joshs coffee or chew up his cell phone or shoes or whatever else may be interesting to them.

Just a girl and her thoughts said...

oh and leave her out longer after she's done. I've also noticed that puppies tend to do their business within 15 minutes after eating.

Debbie said...

I'd get rid of the dog!!